International certification



For the Yoga sector we find the (CYT) Certified Yoga Teacher and the (CYS) Certified Yoga School

The CYT is divided into three levels 1-2-3 each counts the different grade of preparation of each student and his/her experience matured during the years of study and practice.  In all three cases the training is very intensive and almost completely onsite, were students are also required to study continously even when back home.  At the end of each training program and succesful final evaluation the student’s name and profile will be automatically added to our registry and the yoga teacher federation registry too.  The CYT is a complete training program that guarantees the highest quality standards worldwide.  The Certified Yoga Teachers (CYT) are prepared in a very meticulous manner thank to our courses which hold a very limited number of students per course almost offering a one to one training, in order to correct, teach and practice in the best of ways.

The CYS Is a certification which verifies the school, its standard and quality of training.

Styleoga®’s Aim is to promote training globally and equally for everyone.

Styleoga® gives you a certificate to hang and a logo to add to your site or page.

In the Naturopathy sector we find the CNP (certified naturopathic practitioner) in agrrement with the international legislation and the Italian law for private professions n 4 of 2013.

This course is an experiential type and can be done even remotely, it includes a final test (evaluation) which once passed the student will be handed the certification, moreover for those who are already Naturopaths or those who have already attended a specialised school and just wish to have an international certification or another certificate we can find the Masters course



With styleoga® it is also possible to accredit also single courses, schools or personal growth paths in specific fields, we accredit single courses, seminars, workshops, or even schools that offer courses with a duration of at least 1 year.

We consider

  • personal growth paths or courses, and all those events that have as a final aim personal &/or professional growth and have a duration from a minimum of 20 to a maximum of 224 hours, at the end of which a participation award will be handed out.
  • Specialization paths, or schools, & all those courses in a specific subject that are not attributable to other specialised professions, with a training period of at least 375 hours including apprenticeship & assessment.
  • schools or specialised training institutes, & when there is a minimum of 1050 training hours over a period of 3 years & where there is an abilitation certificate in that particular qualification..


for more informations.