Here we can see pasasana or the position of the Noose: in Sanskrit, pasa means “bond, knot, noose”, while asanas means “position”, hence this asana is translated as “Noose pose”.
It is considered an advanced position because there is both an intense bending and a torsion
- Start by standing on the mat in mountain pose
- Triy to find a good resting point: straightening well your soles and toes, move your weight from one foot to the other to activate the muscles and find your balance.
- Bend your knees and bring youself to the ground, resting your glutes on your heels. You can place a blanket under your heels if you are unable to touch the ground, to give stability.
- Turn your knees slightly to the right and with an exhalation, rotate your torso to the left. The torso is in contact with the left thigh.
- Bring the right arm upward and place it towards the outer side of the left calf.
- Turn the palm of your right hand toward the floor and wrap the right arm around the calves.
- Bring the left arm back around to the back and grab your right hand.
- Rotate the torso still a little bit more to the left using always your breath, and using the right arm as a support for the rotation. Turn your head and gaze towards the left.
- Trying to bring the shoulder blades close to each other and keep your shoulders away from your ears.
- Breathe normally and hold for 5 breaths
- To exit from the position, slowly release your hands and then exhaling, bring your arms and torso forward.
- Rest sitting on the ground and then carry out the pose on the other side by rotating your torso to the opposite side.
- Finally relax your arms, chest and get back on your feet in the position of the mountain
Let us see now what are the benefits of pasasana or the position of the Noose
– Reduces the tension at the level of the upper back and shoulders.
– Lengthens and strengthens the ankles, hips and spine.
– Helps to improve the flexibility of the bust and tends the nerves.
– Lengthens the muscles of the thighs, sides and back.
– Opens the chest and shoulders.
– Stimulates the abdominal organs.
– Improves posture and blood circulation,
– Improves digestion.
It is not recommended for those who have problems with knees or hernia/slipped disk.
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