During a yoga session we all expect the child’s pose, to relax, recharge and why not also breath

Balasana the child’s pose must not be confused with Ananda Balasana, The happy baby pose.  Although the two asanas have a similar name, they are two poses that are very different between them.

The word balasana in Sanskrit is divided in Bala which means “child” and asana “pose”, therefore balasana is translated as “the child’s pose”.

In some schools this position is also called shashankasana, which means, always from Sanskrit, “the position of the moon”.

In Yoga we have the rule of balance, consequently after a certain position we require counterposition, hence Balasana is often used as a counteroposition immediately after having practiced asanas which provide a backwards torsion of our back.


Here we see how to carry out this position:

  • Sit on your knees and the palms of your hands on your thighs just above your knees.
  • Keeping your spine straight and your head aligned, raise your arms above your head keeping them stretched forward at shoulder distance.
  • Exhale and lean forward with your bust by starting the movement from the hips till your hands and forehead reach the floor, with the palms of your hands facing down.
  • Relax completely your arms and let your elbows relax too by touching the ground.
  • Breathe normally and hold the pose until you are able to perceive balance between effort and relaxation.

Exit from the position slowly and gently while slowly raising your bust to a vertical position and leave your hands rest on your thighs.


Balasana is an ancient and rich in benefits that also the ancient texts refer to:

– Strengthens the muscles of the legs and thighs.

– Stimulates all the internal organs of the abdomen, especially liver and spleen, pancreas and bladder

– Calms and relaxes the mind

– Tones the pelvic muscles and sciatic nerve.

– Cures flat feet; in this case it should be performed every day for at least 15 minutes during a period of at least 6 months.

– It lengthens the muscles of the back and relaxes the vertebrae in order to relieve the weight at the level of the intervertebral discs, helping them to keep their correct position;

– Invigorates the intestine, stimulates peristalsis, reduces constipation and excess air, thus improving the digestion.

– Helps improve the alterations of the sexual organs, both male and female.

– Reduces stress, aggressiveness, the personal attitudes that lead to arrogance, selfishness and anger.

Although it is a pose that is easy and rich in benefits, however we must still follow some precautions:

It is contraindicated if you suffer from slipping of the intervertebral discs or other serious diseases of the spine.

If you suffer from high blood pressure carry out this position with caution also if you suffer from pain in your knees or articular pain or diseases such as arthritis.

If you want to deepen and start with the basics of yoga take a look at our ebook yoga for everyone