DHANURASANA also called the bow: in Sanskrit dhanu means “bow” and asana means “position”, therefore Dhanurasana is literally translated as “the position of the bow”.
- Lie down on the ground with your belly facing down with your arms along your sides, bend the knees and bring your heels towards the butt, then grab the outer part of the ankles with your hands.
- From this position try to stretch the muscles of the legs so that you bring your feet and bust upwards, during the movement let the spine arch naturally and make sure that your shoulders are away from the ground.
- Try to keep your legs close together and continue to raise your feet as high as possible, in such a manner that only your hips and the lower abdomen are the only areas of the body to maintain contact with the ground.
- Finally arch your head and shoulders backwards, bringing also the chin upwards.
- Keep the position stable till you can
- To exit lower your heels towards your butt and bring your legs and torso to the ground. Let go of the ankles and relax your body.
Let us now see what are the benefits of dhanurasana, a position able to manipulate very much our body:
– Removes fat from waist and hips
– Alleviates some forms of rheumatism thanks to the activation of the adrenal glands.
– Increases the strength and resistance of the spine.
– Activates the pancreas, hence it is ideal for those who suffer from diabetes
– Stimulates the kidneys, pushing the body to expel toxins
– Increase the circulation at the level of the abdominal organs
– Removes constipation and activates digestion
It is necessary to be careful if you suffer from disturbances in the lower area of the back, such as hernias or slipping of the spinal discs
It is absolutely not recommended if you suffer from abdominal hernia or in the case of pregnant women and it is always good not to practice this position on a full stomach or immediately after eating.
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