Sukhasana or easy, pleasant pose, is one of the positions, perhaps best known even by those who do not practice yoga, because it is a position that is usually very comfortable, used both in physical practice, in meditation and/or Pranayama.

In sanskrit, sukha means “joy”, “delight”, “happiness”, “comfort” and asana means “position”, for which this asana is literally translated as “pleasant pose” or the “joyful position”.


We shall now look in detail at how to carry out sukhasana

  • Sit on the ground or on the mat with your spine straight and legs extended forward.
  • Bend your knees and cross your legs, resting in the most comfortable way possible the left foot under the right thigh and the right foot under the left thigh. On the contrary than in other positions in meditation such as Padmasana there will need to be in front of the pubis a space whose shape is approximately triangular, with sides formed by the thighs and from the calves which cross one another.
  • Keep your neck well aligned with the spine and the chest upright. The head must remain raised in balance but without effort.
  • Now place your hands over the knees with the palms upwards and form a mudra joining the fingertip of the middle finger and the thumb of the same hand while keeping the other three fingers slightly bent and relaxed. If you want you can also bring your hands together in front of the womb and perform another gesture or mudra of your liking such as the prayer.
  • Once reaching the final position breathe relaxed and bring your attention to the different parts of the body from the bottom to the top and relax them completely. Remember that if you stay in this asana very long try to alternate the crossing of the legs or, if practiced daily, you can change the leg that is under on alternate days.
  • Exit from the position by lengthening slowly your legs in front of you.

Now that we have seen how to carry out sukhasana lets see the benefits of this position.


What are the real benefits of sukhasana?

  • Stabilizes the body and calms the mind.
  • It strengthens the muscles and the articulations of the whole spine.
  • Invigorates the joints of the hips and knees.
  • Reduces anxiety and stress.
  • Amplifies the state of serenity and calm.
  • Favours deep breathing.
  • Allows an immobility of the body for a long duration without excessive effort.

The Sukhasana pose is fairly easy to carry out for most people, but it is good to do it with caution in the case of recent injury to the knees or chronic articular and inflammatory problems at the level of the hips and pelvis, and spinal disorders.  In these cases you may decide to put a riser under your glutes such as a blanket or a block, or to avoid it until the disturbances have passed.

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