Recipes with carrots.
Carrots allies of our health give us great recipes and great dishes and also centrifuges rich in nutrients and they also give considerable benefits, lets see some recipes together.
Centrifuged carrots and celery to purify the body
3 celery stalks,
2 carrots,
1 apple.
Carrots and celery are amongst the most indicated ingredients for preparing a centrifuge drink to purify the body. The preparation is quick and easy:
Wash well the carrots, apple and celery, remove the ends and cut into strips or cubes. Put everything into the centrifuge, extract the juice and drink immediately.
Apple and Carrot mix recipe
Ingredients for 4 persons:
500gr carrots,
1 apple,
50gr butter,
Unrefined sugar (a pinch)
Salt and pepper.
Scrape the carrots, wash, dry and slice them finely. Peel the apples and cut into cubes. Melt half of the butter in a saucepan, add the carrots and apple. Add a couple of spoonfuls of water, cover the saucepan and cook over a moderate flame adding more water if necessary. Towards the end of cooking add the rest of the butter, salt and pepper and a pinch of unrefined sugar, mix well.
Carrot rice Pilaf recipe
Ingredients for 4 persons:
300gr long grain rice,
300gr carrots,
1 leek,
3/4 litre of broth,
1 garlic clove,
A teaspoon of chopped parsley,
Cut the carrots into chunks and cook covered in water with a pinch of salt, garlic clove, a tablespoon of vinegar and one of oil, the tip of a teaspoon of paprika.
Prepare the rice: chop the white part of the leek, soften it with a tablespoon of oil. Add the rice and stir and let toast for a few minutes then pour the boiling broth. Oncde everything comes to a boil cover it with a sheet of aluminum foil and transfer it to the preheated (200°c) for about a quarter of an hour; at the end the rice should have absorbed all the liquid. Remove the pot from the oven, divide the rice, add the carrots drained and chopped parsley.
Carrots and raw cauliflower recipe
Ingredients for 4 persons:
200gr of carrots
A fresh and tender cauliflower with a weight of approx 600gr.
Olive oil
Grate the already cleaned, washed and dried carrots but not too finely. Peel the cauliflower discarding the green leaves, cut it in two, discarded the stalk, wash and strain it, slice the garlic finely. Place the cauliflower and carrots into a salad bowl, dressed with a sauce made from 4 tablespoons of olive oil and a tablespoon of mustard, add salt and lemon juice according to your taste.
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