What is the third eye in Yoga?

The third eye is located in the centre of the forehead between the eyebrows. It is the site of the Ajna chakra, which is associated with light, perception and intuition.

What is the third eye?

The third eye, also known as the Ajna chakra, is an invisible eye usually located on the forehead. Its power is to increase the perception of things that cannot be seen by your eyes. This mystical eye is part of what is called “the subtle body”, meaning that while it cannot be seen, it is considered an important force in governing how prana (energy) moves within the body.

It is one of the seven chakras of the Hindu tradition.


Ajna means “to perceive” and “to command” in Sanskrit. Intuition is a central function of the sixth chakra: it requires surrender, without which it becomes difficult to understand something in its entirety or embrace its mystery.

The Ajna chakra is considered beneficial for treating conditions related to perception. When the sixth chakra is balanced, it is believed that you can see things as they are without the shadow of the ego.

If the third eye is misaligned, tradition holds that there may be symptoms such as headaches or migraines, dizziness, anxiety or vision or hearing problems.

Chakras can become unbalanced when blocked, which can make a person feel as if the areas affected by that chakra are not functioning properly.

Meditation and yoga are among the treatments prescribed to remove blockage in a chakra.

THIRD EYE AJNA CHAKRA There are several ways to heal, balance and stimulate the Ajna chakra.

Yoga poses for the third eye

Yoga poses that stimulate the forehead can be helpful, such as Child’s pose, where you sit on your heels and knees, keep your toes together and rest your belly between your thighs, it’s a good choice because it is done with your forehead on the floor. It’s also a resting position, so you can stay in it for several minutes if you want.

The pigeon forward bend variation is another pose you can linger in for a while. To perform this pose, bring one knee forward to the floor and extend the other leg backwards. Then, bend on your front knee until your forehead touches or comes close to the ground. If your forehead doesn’t reach the ground, give it a place to rest like a block or pillow

Paschimottanasana or gripper, forward stretching position is also very useful. Extend your legs straight in front of you and bend them forward. Try putting the block on your legs if your forehead doesn’t reach. You can also use this method with hip opening poses, such as upavistha konasana and baddha konasana.

For standing poses, try eagle, in which you balance on one leg with the other wrapped and sink into chair pose with arms crossed and palms together. Then, bring your thumb to the third eye as you lean forward. You can bring the eagle arm pose into a number of other poses that allow you to make contact with the third eye, such as warrior III, humble warrior, and cow face pose.

Work on the third eye and feel its influence in your body too.

If you are interested in learning more about chakras, third eye or oriental practices

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