Matsyasana also knwon as the fish pose.

In sanskrit, matsya means “fish” and asana “pose”, for which  Matsyasana is translated as “the fish pose”.


  • Begin sitting on the mat in Padmasana (or Ardha Padmasana or Sukhasana).
  • lie down slowly, bringing your back to the mat
  • Put your hands next to your ears with the palms facing the ground.
  • Put pressure on your arms and lift your bust and head from the ground.
  • Rest the top of the head on the mat.
  • Place your hands on your thighs and elbows on the ground.
  • If you can, grab your big toes with your hands.
  • At this point breathe and relax.
  • Keep this position until it is comfortable.
  • Exit the position slowly and with awareness.
  • Place your hands on the mat, raise the head from the ground without contracting the shoulders and neck, then stretch first the left leg and then the right.


Let us now look at the benefits of matsyasana:

  • Attenuates insomnia.
  • It strengthens the muscles of the upper back and neck.  Reduces the discomfort associated with hemorrhoidal inflammation.
  • It lengthens the intercostal and the psoas muscles.
  • Expands the lungs, increasing their respiratory capacity and helps those who suffer from asthma.
  • Activates the functions of the digestive system and helps solve constipation
  • Relieves the headaches caused by cervical muscle tensions. But be careful because this position is contraindicated in the following cases: – for those who suffer from peptic ulcer or important umbilical and/or abdominal hernias.

– For those who have suffered injury or suffer from severe pathologies of the lumbar region of the back and therefore don’t manage to arch the vertebral column.
It can be carried out but care must be taken in the case of an advanced state of pregnancy or if suffering from high or low blood.

If you want to deepen and start with the basics of yoga take a look at our ebook yoga for everyone