Do you know Padmasana? Padmasana is the Sanskrit name for the lotus pose, the famous pose in the context of yoga but very popular even among those who do not practice precisely to label sometimes those who do yoga.

But actually what is the lotus pose padmasana, what is it derived from, and especially how do we practice it.


The word Padmasana is derived from Sanskrit and is composed of Padma = Lotus and Asana = which means position, pose, posture. That is why Padmasana is also called the lotus pose.

This pose therefore takes its name from the lotus flower. The lotus flower has calmness, stability and beauty and if done well you can see these qualities in a practitioner who assumes this asana.

The roots of the lotus flower grow in the mud below, which remain gripped firmly even if water flows, and when it blooms it does it upwards.

It therefore could not be a better symbol of the yoga practice that aims to raise the practitioner to heaven, but at the same time remaining firmly planted on the ground.


lotus positionBefore entering into this position make sure to warm up well all your body for example with sun salutations, 5 Tibetan rites and also other poses to help open up especially your thighs.

Sit on the mat, legs extended forward, back straight and hands on your sides, practically Dandasana assuming the staff pose.
Now put very carefully your right ankle onto your left hip with the sole of your foot directed upwards.  The back of your foot should rest gently on the exact point in which the leg bends, between the hip and the thigh.
Now start to bend, always gently and slowly, your left knee and bring your ankle above your right shin.  As we did before with the right leg even now the back of the left foot should be positioned in the fold between the thigh and the hip, while the sole of the foot should be facing upwards.
Bring your knees closer, without exaggerating however.
Try to stabilize the position, open well your chest, put your shoulders slightly backwards trying to get your scapulae closer together and make sure that your back is straight. Once you have found the correct pose with your legs you can move onto your hands.
Put your hands on your knees with the palms facing upwards.  Join your index fingers with your thumbs and the rest of the fingers open and relaxed, this is Chin Mudra.
Your face must be relaxed, at this point focus your look onto the “third eye”, i.e. between your eyebrows.
It is a very advanced pose for which at the beginning you can hold only for a few seconds.
It is usually carried out at the end of the training when the body is very warm.  Once finished carry out your final relaxation in Savasana.


Now find out the benefits of padmasana and also the contraindications but especially a fundamental thing is the precautions needed to be able to perform this position in a correct manner.


  • Avoid performing this position if recently injured, if you have problems or pain in ankles, knees or hips.
  • Padmasana requires great flexibility and the body must be well prepared to do so.
  • If Padmasana is too difficult, you can do other simple positions such as for example Sukhasana or Ardha Padmasana.
  • If you try to do the lotus pose too soon you can easily injure your knees.
  • It is good to remember that when you carry out the Lotus pose if you are not flexible enough you could seriously cause injuries to your knees.

This position although it is particularly challenging it is also particularly beneficial and according to the ancient texts it destroys all diseases and allows even the awakening of Kundalini.

There are so many benefits of padmasana such as for example:

– Calms deeply the mind;

– Lengthens the knees and ankles;

– Reduces or makes disappear completely stress;

– Improves digestion;

– Increases the circulation in the low back and the pelvis by reducing menstrual pain;

– Relieves back pain;

– Reduces the pain caused by sciatica;

– Lengthens and opens the hips;

– Reduces muscular tensions;

– Awakens energy

If you want to deepen and start with the basics of yoga take a look at our ebook yoga for everyone