Do we really know what we are drinking? Discover what happens to your body when you consume Soft (sugary) drinks like, cola, lemonade, etc also served to children.
I know that lately there is some sllarmism around and it seems like everything is harmful, but watch out because some products have been actually studied and analyzed and are the cause of most of the health issues worldwide, being for the increase in obesity but also for the increase in tumors and diseases linked to food/diet and leading to death.
Lets begin with the most common one, cola which is in the first position for consumption worldwide and that alas has reached every corner of the world and is used as a substitute to water in many countries!! I already find it absurd that we give water to our plants so that they live and grow well and sodas of this type to our children, but the worst thing is that we don’t know what they actually do to our body.
The pharmacist Niraj Naik published on his blog a study held out on this type of beverage describing the reactions it causes to our organism and I must say that they are rather shocking, he declares that he conducted these studies after having seen an excessive increase in the request in his own pharmacy for medicines against diabetes, cholesterol, excessive weight and much more. The study proves that the cause of this sudden monstrous rise in request is “fructose under the form of high fructose corn syrup, a particular substance present in most modified foods and beverages” Like Cola for example. This study shows what happens to our organism within 1 hour from drinking a can (330ml) of this soda, and claims that after the first 10 minutes the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of sugar (100% of our recommended daily allowance) are assumed, and one does not vomit only because of the presence of the phosphoric acid that alters the taste allowing us to digest it. Just 20 minutes later the sugar quantity in our blood is at its maximum and therefore our organism produces as much insulin as possible to cope with this excess, at the same time our liver to keep up with this which for our body is a real emergency transforms all the sugar it can into fat. But it does not end here: After 40 minutes have gone by the caffeine is completely absorbed, our pupils are dilated, blood pressure rises and liver replies by injecting more sugar in our blood. According to Naik after exactly 1 hour from the assumption, the diuretic properties of the caffeine are felt, hence we must use the bathroom and through our urine we will expell fundamental elements for our bones such as; calcium, magnesium and zinc, besides water and electrolytes even before our body can extract the indispensable elements to hydrate itself. We can go on horrifying ourselves if we refer to the studies conducted by a Pediatrician of the department of endocrinology from the University of California on sugar and the various endorsements used to camouflage it in industrial foods and beverages.
In these studies Prof. Robert Lustig explains the devastating effects on our body due to the large quantities of sugar we ingest even through these beverages, he explains very clearly how the modified sugar molecules alter our body’s biological processes fooling of the control functions of the brain similar to neurodegenerative processes of certain serious diseases. And if you think of solving all this by consuming the diet or light versions of these products, than im sorry to say but you are mistaken, because in order to give them zero (0) calories they are chemically modified with very doubtful ingredients that still contain, Phosphoric acid that gives them their characteristic taste and lengthens the duration, removing bacteria and molds. This acids does not allow our organism to absorb calcium in a correct manner, and can not only cause kidney problems, reduction in bone density, osteoporosis and muscle loss, but a research conducted by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology shows how laboratory mice treated with elevated levels of phosphates die prematurely (5 weeks in advance) if compared to those not treated.
Must we add more?
Have a look at this image and realise what our children are drinking!
Take a look at our tried and tested method: Anti-Diet
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