Quinoa: Benefits and properties, how to use it and how good does it really do, being gluten free, learn how to use it and how to eat healthy.

Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) is a plant that belongs to the family of Chenopidacee, it is free from gluten, but rich in proteins, carbohydrates and dietary fibre.

It is originally from South America, and is often mistakenly considered a cereal, this especially for its high starch content; in reality, however it doesn’t belong to the grass family and instead belongs to the family of spinach, so much so that its leaves can be cooked in the same way. Nowadays it represents a valid alternative to cereals and is often called pseudo cereal.

Since it does not contain gluten it is an ingredient suitable for those suffering from celiac disease but also has countless properties:

– It is very rich in proteins, carbohydrates and dietary fibre

– It also contains two essential amino acids that are very important for the good functioning of the organism: lysine and methionine, methionine helps metabolise insulin.

-It contains many minerals and vitamins, in particular magnesium, vitamin C and vitamin E.

But pay attention to its calories, quinoa is in fact particularly energizing; 100 grams provide about 350 calories. Being a very nutritious food, its consumption is recommended especially for children, pregnant women, sportsmen and convalescents and consequently in order to insert it in the context of a controlled food supply/diet, one must reduce the portions.

It is certainly curious to know that the seeds of quinoa are coated with a bitter substance, the saponin, which protects them from the attacks of birds and this is why its seeds must be washed very well before they are cooked. Moreover quinoa just like amaranth, is consumed by the astronauts during their missions in space, a sign of an extremely nutritious food.


Quinoa has several uses, in fact it can be cooked like a cereal, hence in soups and pasta dishes but also in very tasty salads. Its flour may also be used in the preparation for example of bread and cakes, it is a food that is well suited to many recipes and that certainly can join a tasty healthy eating.

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