Ten snacks with less than 100 calories!
Having snacks between meals at least twice a day is very important for our organism functions, but very often we do not know what & how much we must eat, actually as we always say we must differ as much as possible & naturally not only check the calories but also fats, sugar & other unhealthy ingredients; yet it is also true that we cannot spend all our life avoiding every single thing, therefore it is important to learn how to organise ourselves. Snacks are very important to keep our metabolism active & also so that we do not reach the following meal hungry to the point to gobble up everything quickly, it is necessary that the snacks we take are light but filling, do not give us glycemic peaks but most of all do not make us feel hungry again after half an hour, however once in a while we all give in to temptation, therefore it is good to know how much we can eat even from those so called “forbidden” foods that in order to be part of this count must be in very small portions or quantity, therefore its up to you to decide if its worth it or not.
Here are some snacks that contain less than 100 calories & are ideal:
–1 BANANA :rich in potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus & vitamins (A,B1,B2,C,PP). It is filling thanks to its fibre content, it is ideal for who practices any type of sports, as an alternative we can eat half a banana & 4 almonds, this way we balance fat & protein.
–9 ALMONDS : this is a real healthy snack, rich in the so called “good fat” & most of all does not increase the glycemic index level, it can be used as a hunger breaker before lunch or before dinner but only once a day.
–3 BROWN RICE CRACKERS: these crackers have a low calorie content, but we must remember that they only provide us with carbohydrates, therefore the best choice would be to eat a cracker less & add 2 slices of parma ham without fat.
–YOGURT: one white yogurt with a bit of honey gives us 4.4g fat & 3.7g protein balanced by the sweet taste of the honey.
–250g CARROTS: are equivalent to 3 or 4 large carrots more or less, they are rich in fibre & vitamin A, D, E. They are very filling but some people find them boring so as an alternative we can eat half the portion and add a spoon of hummus instead.
–2 SQUARES OF 80% PURE DARK CHOCLATE: 80% pure dark choclate is made out mostly of fat (45%) & has a low sugar content (approx 20%), it is definitely a tasty snack but also very little filling.
–BRESAOLA & SLICED BREAD’: 1 slice of bread & 4 slices of bresaola are a good pairing of protein & carbs, by choosing wholemeal bread it is rich in fibre & the bresaola rich in lean protein, an excellent snack especially for those practicing sports.
Here are the less healthy snacks, but if sometimes we have a craving & can’t control ourselves, in order to consume only 100 calories here are the quantities we can eat:
–10 CHIPS (PACKED): they contain a lot of calories, hence 100g contain about 504 calories, therefore as a snack we can only eat 10 & they are not at all filling, but most of all they are very rich in salt, therefore they are definitely not a good choice.
–15g SALTED NUTS: they contain a high quantity of calories and salt, that obviously worsens cellulitis & water retention, furthermore they fill us up on the moment but the satiety feeling does not last for long, therefore we will feel hungry almost right away.
–HALF A FRESH CAFFETERIA’S PASTRY (BRIOCHE) FILLED WITH JAM: actually not even half but a bit less, it contains too much sugar & hydrogenated fats, moreover it tends to increase our glycemic level & less be honest once we taste it, its almost impossible to eat only half.
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