Practicing yoga has many physical and mental benefits, and helps many pathologies. Practicing yoga can also help with our pelvic floor.

A toned pelvic floor helps prevent or fight disorders related to urinary incontinence and other disorders also related to our genitals.


According to yogic philosophy, every physical problem originates not only in the body but also in the mind and in the structure of our chakras. In particular, the pelvic floor is linked to the first Chakra, called Muladhara Chakra. An excess or decrease of energy in this Chakra can cause physical disturbances that affect the entire perineal area.

In the case of excessive relaxation of the pelvic floor, it is useful to combine exercises for the mind (meditation) with specific physical training, thus allowing body and mind to dialogue harmoniously with each other.


Before training any part of the body, Yoga teaches that it is necessary to perceive it. So, to correctly identify the perineal muscles to be trained, you can try to interrupt the flow of urine during urination. The muscles involved in the stop are those involved in Yoga training to strengthen the pelvic floor.


So let’s see which are the yoga poses for the pelvic floor.

there are Yoga poses useful for exercising the pelvic floor, let’s see some of them:

1.Malasana or Garland: standing and with your legs slightly apart, try to go down with your pelvis towards the ground by bending your legs.

While crouching, place your hands over your heart and push your knees out using your elbows. In this position, contract your pelvic floor as much as possible by inhaling and holding the air in your lungs for a few seconds.

This exercise can be repeated 10 consecutive times if we want to use it dynamically, otherwise try to stay in position for 5 deep breaths

2.Matsyasana or Fish: in a lying position, arms along the body, lift the torso as if the breastbone were going towards the sky and arching it rest the weight on the elbows.

Then relax the head back and rest the crown of the head on the ground, keeping the dorsal arch and placing the hands on the thighs. The position should be held for about 30 seconds.

Then rest your elbows on the ground, lift your torso and look at the navel to stretch the cervical and try to release the tension in the pelvic floor.

3.Mula bandha: allows the contraction and lifting of the muscles of the perineum.

It is practiced by focusing on the perineal area, contracting it when you inhale and relaxing it when you exhale. To give an example, it is when we have to go to the bathroom but there is none around and therefore hold back as much as possible.

Practicing this exercise for five minutes a day can help improve pelvic floor health and become more aware of your body.

Very useful too sethu bandasana, chakrasana and apanasana.

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