Lately we often hear talking more about cholesterol, it seems that suddenly we all suffer from this problem that is very often caused precisely by our diet rich in fats. In reality we are always so focused on foods that increase cholesterol to forget totally about the foods that lower cholesterol and help us to live in healthier way .

Therefore let us see which are the foods that lower cholesterol:


algaeAlgae are a great source of fibre, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, and may improve the levels of fat in the blood, in particular triglycerides and HDL cholesterol.
The algae can be prepared in a salad or used as a basis of broths and soups, there are also of food supplements to add precisely this food to our diet.

A curiosity: in Asia where they are usually consumed, cholesterol levels are very low or even non-existent.


Green tea is very rich in antioxidants (called “catechins”) and has different protective properties for the heart, including a slight reduction of bad cholesterol in the blood.
But we must be careful to the assumption of  green tea if medicines are used, because there might be some interactions, do not take it in the evening if too late and especially do not leave it in infusion long, an estimated time of about 2 minutes will give you a tasty, healthy, tea that will help without giving you the contraindications.


Several studies have clarified a protective effect of nuts, in particular of walnuts, on the heart. The combination of different bioactive elements present in walnuts change not only the bad cholesterol and triglycerides, but also other risk factors such as blood pressure and inflammation.
A portion of nuts per day and hence not greater than 30g does absolutely well even in a dietetic regime.


The blue fin fish does good and the benefits are due to their content of omega 3 fatty acids. These, though not modifying the levels of blood cholesterol, reduce triglycerides and have several positive effects on the cardiovascular system. The blue fin fish, moreover, of small dimensions such as sardines, have less mercury than bigger fish which accumulate more.
It is better to eat fresh sardines, even though the canned ones retain their positive properties. It is always better to eat local therefore when it comes to fish in our case we should choose Mediterranean fish.


Legumes ( beans, chickpeas, peas, lentils, broad beans, soya, chickling and lupins) have a high content of soluble fibres (which DISSOLVE IN WATER) that reduce the absorption of cholesterol from the intestines, there are also other compounds in which the legumes are rich, such as proteins and phytosterols which reduce cholesterol.
For a healthy diet free from cholesterol we should consume legumes at least 3 times a week in replacement of meat or cheese, varying the types.


Yoghurt is a food always at risk, we do not know very much especially on those made with milk powder but with regards to the natural ones, studies are giving promising results on the reduction of bad cholesterol, even if the effect is still modest. However, yoghurt, besides being the probiotic par excellence, is also a good source of calcium, proteins and vitamins.


To reduce the cholesterol we need omega 3 and a plant alternative to gives us a full “tank” of omega 3 is represented low cholesterol by the Chia, sesame and flax seeds, which in addition to being rich in these precious fatty acids, also contain fibres, proteins and antioxidant substances.
You can eat them natural or added to soups, salads, breakfast cereals and bakery products.

All these foods can therefore be a valid aid, they are all foods that lower cholesterol and are also healthy foods. A very healthy and balanced diet is vital to stay healthy.

Take a look at our tried and tested method: Anti-Diet